Social Enterprise NI member NOW Group Awarded Best Place to Work

NOW Group: Championing Employee Appreciation and Recognition

Social Enterprise NI member: NOW Group was awarded Best Place to Work by Irish News Workplace and Employment Awards.

NOW Group, a proud member of Social Enterprise NI, emphasizes the importance of valuing their team and recognizing their hard work.

“It is crucial for us at NOW Group that our team feels valued and that their hard work is recognised, so we take steps to show appreciation for all that they do – on top of employee benefits provided as standard,” they state.

Their commitment to ensuring a happy, healthy, and resilient workforce is a lesson in effective employee engagement. This dedication not only fosters a positive work environment but also drives consistent results.

It’s no surprise that NOW Group has been recognized as a much-deserved recipient of the Best Place to Work award. Their focus on employee well-being and appreciation sets a high standard in the social enterprise sector.

Join us in celebrating NOW Group’s achievements and their ongoing efforts to support and value their team.


Check out their work at: 



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