Better – Jacqui Pope

What is Social Enterprise?
What is Social Enterprise?
Better - Jacqui Pope

GLL is a not for profit charitable social enterprise committed to delivering a better quality of fitness and leisure, libraries and performing arts facilities for everyone. We’re committed to providing access to quality community facilities – and more – at a price everyone can afford. They already manage over 258 facilities, and they’re adding more all the time operating under our ‘Better’ brand.

They aim to get more people, more active, more often. They promote healthy and active lifestyles, giving communities access to facilities that help improve their health and happiness through participation in activities. It could be gyms, libraries, playgrounds or world-class venues such as those on the Olympic Park, we have it all right here.

However, they do provide more than access. As a charitable social enterprise, they invest in their communities as they are a not for profit organisation but it’s not just about money: they also invest time and effort in encouraging everyone to take advantage of their services.

They will ENGAGE and welcome new participants, introducing them to activities that reflect their needs.

They will SUPPORT our communities to make lifestyle changes through targeted programmes.

They will ADAPT our approach and offers to ensure everyone can participate in our services.

They will SUSTAIN participation by offering varied programmes, facilities and memberships.

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