The NOW Group – Sean Hanna

The NOW Group provide a range of services that support people with learning difficulties and autism to realise their full potential “Our services We provide a range of services that support people with learning difficulties and autism to realise their full potential and change their lives for the better. Our services focus on supporting people […]

Orchardville – Joan McGinn

Orchardville, a registered charity and social enterprise, is committed to changing the lives of people with learning disability and autism. They believe that with the right support, any individual with a learning disability or autism can reach their full potential and achieve their employment aspirations. Providing services in the Belfast, South Eastern and Western Health […]

The Ortus Group – Seamus O’Prey

The Ortus Group is a Belfast based Enterprise Agency providing unique business support programmes, affordable, high-quality commercial property and a wide range ofcomplementary services to a diverse range of businesses. We specialise in working with all entrepreneurs from start-ups to long-established enterprises across all business sectors throughout Northern Ireland. Ortus has a strong social ethos […]

USEL – Bill Atkinson

Usel is Northern Ireland’s largest supporter of people with disabilities or health conditions into employment andoperates a social enterprise business model. They exist solely to help people with disabilities and health-related conditions move into and sustain employment. Every year they employ, support and train over 1200 people with disabilities or health conditions across Northern Ireland. […]

VIable – Annette Greer

VIable Corporate Services provide back-office services in Bookkeeping, HR, and Marketing. We exist to change business, and change lives, with 100% of our profits supporting young people in care and those from disadvantaged backgrounds. Across our 3 functional departments, we work in collaboration with your people to provide high-quality professional services. We’re people-focused, and we […]

Inspire Wellbeing – John Conaghan

At Inspire we work together with people living with mental ill health, intellectual disability, autism and addictions to ensure they live with dignity and realise their full potential. To achieve this we want to develop a culture of compassion, creating a society free from stigma that focuses on people and their abilities. We deliver mental […]

Bolster Community – Jacinta Linden

We are a charity and social enterprise that offers practical support for individuals and families, helping them to get through and get ahead. Our Family Support Service provides practical and therapeutic support and a range of training programmes for parents and children. As coordinator of the Newry and Mourne Family Support Hub, we help find […]

Studyseed – Jayne Hamilton

After four years of operating in the private tuition industry, we had grown increasingly uncomfortable with the disparity that exists between children of different socioeconomic backgrounds in their access to educational support. One in five children in Northern Ireland lives in poverty, and less than 50% of children entitled to free school meals leave school […]

CAN – Kevin Duffy

Ever think you can’t make a difference by yourself? That one person can’t change the world? Well, you CAN! “Enhancing Lives…Creating Change” Every single one of our projects was born from the idea of just one person, and have flourished from there to how we deliver them now. We want people with learning disabilities, Autism […]

MUGSHOTS – Julie Steele

MUGSHOTS is an award winningbusiness like no other -specialisingin breaking the re-offending cycle Mugshotsequipsyoung offenders with the skills, support and resources to compete more effectively for employment. Mugshotshas a proven record ofrehabilitationthatoffers an innovative solution to integrate a target group often considered furthest from the labour market. For five years Mugshotshas provided a unique, hands-on […]

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