Social Value

Find out all you need to know about the Social Value agenda and learn how you can start creating real impact and meaningful change in your organisation.

What is Social Value?

Social Value is the value an organisation contributes to society beyond a reported profit.

Social Value in Action

Training &



Carbon emissions


Employing Locally

Why does Social
Value Matter?

Businesses can no longer just consider their bottom line; they must think about how their activities and practices can create positive benefits for stakeholders and society. This is social value. Social Value creates real impact and change.

How do you
measure Social value?

A robust measurement framework is your foundation, so making the right choice is essential to set you up for success. It should define the themes most relevant to your community, the desired outcomes that will have the greatest impact and the measures that quantify that impact.

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How is Social Value Scored?

Increasing Secure Employment and Skills

Zero Carbon

Building Ethical and Resilient Supply Chains


Social Value FAQ

How does it apply to Northern Ireland?

In July 2021 the Northern Ireland Executive published Procurement Policy Note (PPN) 01/21 Scoring Social Value. PPN 01/21 mandates that from 1 June 2022 tenders must allocate a minimum of 10% of the total award criteria to social value. 

This minimum weighting will apply to procurements at or above the thresholds set out in the Public Contracts Regulations.  The Social Value Unit are responsible for developing guidance and training for the implementation of PPN 01/21.  The Social Value Unit are also working on developing guidance on sustainable procurement beyond award criteria.

PPN 01/21 sets out that Departments should score for social value using an outcomes-based framework which has four broad themes:

  • Increasing secure employment and skills
  • Building ethical and resilient supply chains
  • Delivering zero carbon
  • Promoting well-being

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