SENI Launches Discovery Programme in Partnership with SERI

SENI is delighted to announce the launch of our Discovery Programme, which we will be delivering in partnership with SERI. This programme is funded by the International Fund for Ireland – Communities in Partnership Programme.

There are six pillars in the Discovery Programme:

  • Discover Digitalisation & Financial Management
  • Discover Income Generation & Revenue Growth
  • Discover Strategic Partnerships & Alliances
  • Discover Cost Optimisation & Control
  • Discover Opportunities in Scotland
  • Discover Value in a Connected All-Island Social Economy

If you are interested in applying to take part in this programme, please read our information brochure which is available here: Discovery Programme Brochure

Please note that this is a competitive process and we will be picking approximately 10 social enterprises from NI to take part.

The link to our application form is as follows: Discovery Programme Application Form

The closing date for applications is Thursday September 26th at 12pm

We will also be holding an information webinar on Thursday September 19th at 2.30pm.

If you would like to attend this webinar or if you have any questions about the Discovery Programme, please email

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