In 2009 a number of experienced community workers, academic researchers, trade unionists and Irish language activists formed the CAIRDE social enterprise based in Armagh City, N.E. Ireland.
CAIRDE is the Irish language translation of ‘friends’; it is also an acronym for ‘Communities in Armagh Investing in Regeneration, Diversity and Enterprise’. (Teo is Irish for ‘Ltd’).
This third sector company focuses on micro-business incubation; employment, training and learning opportunities and action research projects. CAIRDE Teo also works in partnership with a number of institutions and organisations in Armagh City and throughout the island to promote and develop the use of the Irish language both locally and nationally.
CAIRDE’s latest collaborative social enterprise – Aonach Mhacha – will build and manage a cultural centre in the historic heart of Armagh City. The complex will sustain 15 jobs in the Irish language and cultural sector in Armagh and help generate a further 6 full-time posts. Facilities in the new ‘cultúrlann’ will include: social enterprise incubation hubs, office accommodation, classrooms, meeting rooms, a black box performance area, a media suite, a café, a dance studio, a gift shop, an art gallery and exhibition area. Services will include minority language classes, social enterprise training, cultural tourism events, art & cultural heritage exhibitions, concerts, festivals, musical and dance performances, workshops, seminars and community development initiatives.