Footprints Womens Centre – Isobel Loughran

What is Social Enterprise?
What is Social Enterprise?
Footprints Womens Centre - Isobel Loughran

‘To enable Women and Children to grow to ensure their voices are heard and that they take their rightful place in a just and equal society.’

We have evolved from a strong self-help ethos and operate within a Community Development context. Our Centre has been acknowledged as a valuable asset within the community and has developed a diverse range of services within the Colin Neighbourhood. We wish to continue to provide these services to women and children for many many years to come.


  • Drop in
  • Training and Events
  • Crisis Intervention
  • Women’s support and development
  • Advice and advocacy
  • Health and well-being
  • Peer support groups

Contact Footprints Womens Centre:

02890 923444

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