Employers for Childcare – Marie Marin

What is Social Enterprise?
What is Social Enterprise?
Employers for Childcare - Marie Marin

Listen in to hear from our most recent Social Enterprise of the Year winner, Employers for Childcare.

Employers For Childcare comprises a Social Enterprise and a registered charity. 100% of the profits from our Social Enterprise businesses – a Childcare Voucher company, a recruitment service for childcare providers and High Rise (an indoor family adventure centre) are invested into our charity. As a charity, our aim is to make it easier for parents with dependent children to get into work and to stay in work. We address childcare as a labour market and economic issues, as well as a social one.

Our charity’s work includes providing a Freephone helpline and outreach service through our Family Benefits Advice Service alongside carrying out research and lobbying work on behalf of parents.

To find out more visit https://www.employersforchildcare.org/

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