
Become a member today to unlock new business opportunities, network with social enterprise leaders, share best practice, collaborate with likeminded organisations, and receive advice and guidance. 

All members are profiled on the SENI directory. If you do not have your log in details for the directory please email

About our

Become a member today to unlock new business opportunities, network with social enterprise leaders, share best practice, collaborate with likeminded organisations, and receive advice and guidance.

We connect you with social enterprises and social value partners to grow, learn and develop dynamic and supportive relationships.

We Support you

As the voice of our members, we champion social enterprise with the government, local industries, and the public to create an environment where your business can thrive. 

Together we Thrive

Membership is open to: Social Enterprises of all legal structures and public and private sector organisations. Join the Social Enterprise Northern Ireland member network today. There are two types of membership: Social Enterprise Membership and Social Value Partner Membership.

Types & Benefits

We offer two different types of membership. A membership for social enterprises, charities and co-operatives and a membership for corporate organisations.

01 Social enterprise Membership

A membership for social enterprises, charities and co-operatives

Marketing & Promotion

  • FREE training events
  • Regular networking activities
  • Access to Roundtable Events
  • Bursaries to attend regional events
  • Participation on Member Forums
  • Pitching Investment Opportunities
  • Featured in Social Media Campaigns and newsletters
  • PR exposure
  • Online Case Studies & Podcast opportunities

Lobbying & Advocacy

  • Access & involvement in Lobbying Campaigns
  • Access to the Social Enterprise All Party Working Group
  • Participation in thematic lobbying groups
  • Access to senior Civil Servants

Access to Corporate Member Offers

  • Pro Bono Support
  • Discounted services
  • Access to Social Value Partners
  • Introduction & supply chain opportunities where applicable
  • Profiled on NI Chamber website

From £50 – £300 (revenue based)

02 Social Value Partner Membership

A membership for corporate organisations wanting to connect with social enterprises.


  • Introduction to social enterprises in Northern Ireland
  • Understand the social enterprise sector & the future of Social Value 
  • Develop supply chain links and establish working relationships 
  • Advice on how to add and demonstrate social value in your organisation
  • Access to our online Social Enterprise Database with 800+ social enterprises & connect with them directly 
  • Partner with us to deliver programmes to social enterprises 
  • Be part of the social enterprise movement and gain access to our 400+ social enterprise members 
  • Advice on how to generate social value and be more socially responsible  
  • Opportunities to present your work and commitment to the social economy to the All Party Group of MLA’s 
  • Access to roundtable and training events 

£500 / Annually

Membership Costs

Level Turnover Cost
Start Up Up to 20k FREE
Capacity Building 20K – 99K £50
Striving Forward 100K – 249K £100
Sustain 250K – 499K £150
Grow 500K – 5M £200
Build & Scale 5M Plus £300

Contact the team if you have any questions.

What our partners say

Membership Testimonials

Find a Social Enterprise

Whether you’re looking for a catering company, branded merchandise , gift hampers, counselling services, gym facilities; find a local social enterprise in Northern Ireland.


Become a member today to unlock new business opportunities, network with social enterprise leaders, share best practice, collaborate with likeminded organisations, and receive advice and guidance. 

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