You are invited to a Consultation on the draft Programme for Government 2024-2027
On 5 September 2024, the NI Executive agreed a draft Programme for Government 2024-2027 entitled ‘Our Plan: Doing What Matters Most’. In order to support and enable social enterprises to have their say, we are happy to be working alongside The Executive Office (TEO) Programme for Government Team who have invited you to a call via Zoom on 24th October 2024 at 2pm. A representative from the Consultation Team will be in attendance on the call and we are keen that they hear directly from you.
Your attendance and contribution will enable the TEO team to hear at first hand the thoughts of the sector and help shape the Programme for Government. The consultation ends on 4 November 2024. TEO would really value your input.
To review or download the draft consultation documents ahead of the call, please visit Draft Programme for Government 2024-2027 ‘Our Plan: Doing What Matters Most’ | Northern Ireland Executive
Please register on the link below and if you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to get in touch
Online Webinar Platform:
This session will take place via zoom.
To register, please click the BOOK NOW button below and complete the form.
Zoom link & log in details will be sent out via the email address provided one day before the event.