All Party Group on Social Enterprise

30th January 2025
Parliament Buildings, Belfast BT4 3ST, UK
12.15 - 1.30pm
Social Enterprise NI continue as secretariat for the All-Party Group for Social Enterprise, a means of informing decision makers on the work of the sector and providing the forum for lobbying and constructive discussion on policy.
In the spirit of openness and transparency of our work and our willingness to provide value for your membership, we are keen to invite our members to attend these meetings going forward. 
Our next meeting is Tuesday 21st January 2025 at Parliament Buildings in the Senate Chamber.
Whilst our plan is to open this to all members, we are restricted in this instance by the size of the room and have a limited number of observer places available.
If you would like to attend please register ASAP to confirm your interest.
We will get back to confirm your attendance however spaces will be extremely limited for this meeting but we will try to facilitate as many as possible, if not at this meeting then in subsequent meetings. 
Social Enterprise NI continues to lobby with other political parties on your behalf. Details about other networking opportunities will be shared in due course. 
Thank you for your support of Social Enterprise NI
*** This event is for Social Enterprise NI Members only ***
Please note we will contact those who are successful via email.
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